August 9, 2005 Present Like A Pro Newsletter
Inspiring You to Discover, Develop, & Delight in Your Strengths
Welcome fellow speaker! This weekly newsletter from Present Like A Pro is here to provide you with on-going tips and inspiration as you develop your skills as a speaker. Every issue includes practical tools that you can use in your very next presentation.

This edition: 1,023 words; 2-3 minute read

Sincerely Yours
by Sara Schaffer   How to Speak with Sincerity
Last week I had the privilege of watching Jerry Schemmel talk about his life-changing experience of surviving the 1989 plane crash in Sioux City, Iowa. His powerful message of faith and hope had the entire room laughing and crying. There was no doubt about the sincerity of his message.

In contrast, have you ever watched a speaker that was insincere? As they spoke you probably felt more annoyed and leery than interested or persuaded to their point of view. Here are 5 tips on how to speak with sincerity and Present Like A Pro!

1. Don't read or recite your talk. When you speak from a script, it can sound wooden and unnatural. Become well-acquainted with your message so you can speak to your audience from your head and your heart and not your notes. If you use notes, let them be launching and not sticking points as you speak.

2. Practice before you have an audience. Some argue that rehearsing a talk will make it sound less spontaneous. On the contrary, taking the time to prepare frees you up to focus on the listeners and not on you. Practice allows you to convey your message powerfully and authentically to your listeners.

3. Make eye contact. Look out to your listeners. See the people you are talking to and give them your message. Even if you care about the audience and your content, you may seem less genuine if you are looking away or lost in your notes. Focus on those who are receiving your information, and they will see that you care.

4. Personalize your message for each audience. As you meet the people you will be speaking to, think about how you could integrate their names or comments into your talk. For example, in the middle of your message you might be able to say, "When I was talking to Nancy before the meeting, she had a great comment about this..."

5. Say it if only if you believe it. Perhaps most importantly, consider your own investment and connection to your message. When you prepare for a meeting, ask why is this meeting important? If you are selling something, consider why am I promoting this product?


Are you sincere and believable? For resources to add impact and results to your presentations, visit us at


Are you believable? You could hear the sniffles and feel the energy in the room as Mr. Schemmel recounted the impact of the United Airlines flight 232 crash on his life. He spoke without notes, interjected comments about things that had happened that day, and kept his attention on his captivated audience.

By preparing your content and delivery, you will be able to deliver a believable and powerful presentation. Also, focus on and include your audience in your talk. Most importantly, to be sincere, you must believe in your message. Speak with sincerity and you will Present Like A Pro!

Where Everybody Knows Your Name
I have a favorite coffee shop that I try to visit at least once a week. I love going to “my” place because they know my name. As soon as I walk in the door, they greet me with a bright, “Good morning, Sara!”

I love hearing them call out my name!

In turn, I have tried to learn who each of the baristas are. If it’s not too busy they will chat and joke around with the customers in the store. It’s a fun and friendly place. When I’m there, I feel welcomed and appreciated.

It also reminds me to help others feel welcomed and appreciated.

When I do speaking or coaching at many different locations, I have a choice. I can be a welcoming and giving person, or I can be self-centered and disconnected. I don’t think I need to know everyone’s name, but I do need to put my listeners first.

How do we put others first when we’re the one speaking?

Arrive early enough to talk to others and even help set up for the meeting. Get to know people. Then, as you speak, connect with your message and your listeners. Don’t just dispense information - motivate your audience! Afterwards, stick around to greet and talk with people.

I do go to other coffee shops, but none compare to the at-home feeling I have at my favorite one. Set yourself apart by getting to know your listeners before, during and after your talk. After all, we all like to go where others take the time to know our name!

Need A Speaker?
Do you need a speaker for an upcoming event? In addition to presentation coaching, Sara regularly speaks to a variety of organizations from corporate to community groups. Whether you are looking for something educational, motivational or inspirational, she will add humor and depth to your next special event.

For booking information, contact Sara today at: 303-818-2509 or

Special Offers
Do you work at Ball Aerospace? If so, you can receive Presentation Coaching as part of the training offered by your company! Find out more at the TLC website. Just click on the Other Development link to get to the coaching corner.

***In the June 21st issue, I discussed the benefits of evaluations. For example, they offer us feedback on our speaking effectiveness. They also give us a means to stay connected to people interested in our services and products. For a free sample evaluation form, simply click here.

Visit our website to view previous newsletters and to find out more about the new free surveys available from Present Like A Pro.


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